
Turn Rocketbook Notes into ClickUp Tasks Automatically

Today, I want to show you how you can automatically turn incoming emails into ClickUp tasks. Totally hands off after you’re set up. But I also want to show you why would you even want to do that?

[00:00:16] Hi everybody. I’m Yvonne Heimann with askyvi.com and I am a Business Efficiency Consultant for digital entrepreneurs. And if you are ready to systemize, optimize and automate your business, you are perfectly right here. So, go consider hitting that subscribe button, or even hitting the thumbs up to tell you to, you like what I’m talking about and to stay up to date when I’m releasing new videos to make your life more easy, streamline your content creation and optimize your digital business. 

[00:00:46] Now, as I mentioned today, I want to talk about how to automatically turn an incoming email in Gmail, into a task in ClickUp. Completely automatically, completely hands-off but let’s start with, why do we even want to do that with all of this email coming in? Why would we want to turn an email into a ClickUp task and how do we make sure not all of those emails are becoming a task. Now, in my use case scenario, ecamm was nice enough to send me a Rocketbook because they know, even though I’m digital, I still love handwriting my notes. 

[00:01:24] Now the other issue is I have used my iPad for notes in the past, especially with client calls, but the problem is you have unlimited possibilities in there, which means I have about 10,000 notes in there. I have no idea where they are and it’s just as messy as it was before. Now with this Rocketbook, I am limited to a certain amount of pages. The even better thing is I can scan those with the OCR feature, which recognizes my handwriting turns it into actual physically typed text and all those things.

[00:01:57] So with that, my use case scenario is that I want to be able to take a picture and scan a page of my Rocketbook. Have that recognized and built that email and all those things. And then automatically turn that email into a ClickUp task and assign it into my call space with my clients. I know, I know, I know there’s a lot of things going on.

[00:02:22] We’re going to go step by step, and this is going to be a multi-step video series actually. So we are starting in the beginning of how do we actually turn specific emails into a task in ClickUp. Now, before we get all of this started, there is one piece that you really have to pay attention to, and that you have to make a decision on right now and that is a naming convention, to be able to determine which email to turn into a task, we need to know how to identify those specific emails.

[00:02:59] In my case, we are going by the subject. As you can see right here, this is an email that has come in for my Rocketbook, I set things up over there for the title to look a certain way. And we’re going to talk about this in this specific Rocketbook video coming up next week. So hit the subscribe button that you get notified when that’s coming up. And as you can see in this title, right here, I have PH, which is an identifier for my client. And then I have the date, which is automatically generated within Rocketbook. Again, coming up in the next video today, you just have to decide what is that data point that is going to trigger that forwarder in Gmail. 

[00:03:42] Now that, we have figured out all the pieces we need to make this happen. Let’s get the tech set up and let’s make this happen. 

[00:03:49] Let’s get out of Gmail and over into ClickUp. Now I am right here in my call list in ClickUp, this is where I want those tasks to end up in. I am setting this up for one specific cloning and one specific use case scenario. With my PH client. I want those emails and those notes to be shown as a task right in here.

[00:04:10] So going into the call list, I am opening up my list settings and I am grabbing these email instructions. What I need is this email right in here. This is the integrated feature in ClickUp where you can send an email to a ClickUp email. And it turns it into a task. Now you need to be careful right here when we copy this, what happens is it actually adds some additional stuff, but we’ll get to this in a second.

[00:04:38] Now, heading back to Gmail, you need to go into your settings. And we need to set up a forwarding address at forwarding address and copy this in. As you can see the copy link adds a little bit more. We need to get this one out and go all the way to the beginning right before the, a right in here and take this piece out too. You only need that specific email from ClickUp. What you also can do is just mark this specific email. Copy that and use that. What that copy button does, it adds the whole URL stuff to it that turns it into, “Hey, you want to send an email to this”, but all we just need is that email specifically, not the whole extra coding on it.

[00:05:28] Now that this isn’t here, we hit next and what’s going to happen is Gmail wants us to verify that we are allowed to do this. So we are adding this. We now need to confirm this, an email has been sent to confirm that I actually can get those emails and I’m the one that gets that. 

[00:05:50] To do that confirmation, you need to get back into ClickUp, refresh and look for that task that is generated by that forwarding email. “I know having fun with this”. Right in here that forwarding email that Gmail has sent out already generated a task in here. And we need to grab this number and paste this right in here and verify it.

[00:06:12] Now, Gmail is set up to be able to forward specifically to that call list right in there. Awesome. Now all we have to do is set up that automated forwarder. So let’s go back into my inbox. And as I said, I already have an email in here that I know this is what I will want to do. I know that every single email that I will be sending with notes, specifically for this client we’ll have that P H dash simply because I decided that’s how that naming convention is going to be happening. Opening that up, copying this, and then we do a filter message like these. Now, if you can see the from means, it pulls in every single email that I sent from the rocket book, but I add to that subject, that PH dash and we are creating that filter.

[00:07:04] Yes, I know. That’s fine. And as you can see it already filtered out, only those two emails that came from my Rocketbook email and have the PH dash in the subject. Now what we’re doing here too, is we also apply that filter to those two mentioned conversations, because I want to pull this into ClickUp right now.

[00:07:25] And we are forwarding it to that email address that we just set up as a forwarder and create filter. Now, what does this do? Now that we have this whole workflow in this whole process set up every single time, when I take a picture off my Rocketbook page and in my Rocketbook scan, there is the title of that scan starts with PH dash.

[00:07:51] It gets emailed into my Gmail account and Gmail automatically filters that and forwards it to that list. And then when you go over to ClickUp, so now what you can see is look right here, there it is my PH. In the description, you will see the email body text, which is fed from the LCI. You’ll learn all about that in the next video.

[00:08:16] Also attached is the original email as well as the PDF that shows my lovely handwriting. With all of the things that are on there and that I had on that scan. Now, again, make sure hit that subscribe button because next week I am going to show you the next step on how we take those notes in Rocketbook, how we make sure that we don’t have to name everything we’re uploading and all the things and adding that additional step to our email automation so that we can easily turn Rocketbook notes into ClickUp tasks.

[00:08:54] What assets in your ClickUp and for your clients, so you easily and effortlessly can use your Rocketbook in combination with ClickUp. And if you want to learn more of this or figure out how to use, ClickUp best for yourself, come join our office hours every Friday at 2:00 PM Pacific, we have office hours and we note out about all things, ClickUp and content creation, and maybe even a little live video.

[00:09:22] So go check below. I have the link there for you, and I’ll see you next week. As we follow up on how to work with your Rocketbook alongside ClickUp and make it really easy.

Okay, everybody, it is time to turn your Rocketbook notes into a ClickUp task, nice and easy and fully automated.

[00:00:15] Hi everybody. I’m Yvonne Heimann with askyvi.com and I’m a Business Efficiency Consultant for digital entrepreneurs. And if you’re ready to systemize, optimize and automate your business, go hit the subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time I upload a new video.. 

[00:00:28] Now today, we going to get really nerdy. If you have not watched the video yet about how to turn a email into a ClickUp task. Watch that now, because that is the first step in this process. We are going into this second step today. So once all of that stuff is set up and you have your email forwarded to the list and all the things and all the things that are happening in them.

[00:00:55] We now going to work on setting up your Rocketbook with all the things that need to happen in there. Choosing the naming convention to make sure your email forwarder knows exactly what it needs to do and where to send it. And then I’m going to show you how to do all of that and put it all together in one system.

[00:01:13] As I said, you already should have watched the video on how to turn a incoming email from Gmail into a ClickUp task. I’m not going to dive into this. So the forwarder for that specific client into that specific list is already set up. Now what we are doing, like cool or turning an email into a task, but that doesn’t do anything with my Rocketbook yet.

[00:01:36] That’s where  we’re coming to. Now, first off you need to download the Rocketbook app, if you haven’t done so yet. In this case, I’m going to show you an apple, it’s on Android too. I have it on my phone. I’m still an Android phone person, but I have my iPad. So I’m going to show it for you on that. Have a little bit of bigger screen let’s head on over there.

[00:01:52] And in the app store, find the Rocketbook app and download that, that will allow you to actually scan your Rocketbook pages. If you’ve been around Rocketbook and you have it all installed, just jump on wide ahead. So now that we are locked in the app and got everything downloaded, let’s get the app set up so it does what we need it to do. 

[00:02:12] Go into your settings. And there’s a couple of things we need to do. First off, we want to turn on smart lists, “Yes”. And we also want to turn on smart titles and just for the fun of it, let’s turn on the smart search too. I do like to turn all of them on, but the real important one we have to have is smart titles.

[00:02:34] What smart titles does is that you can add on top of your Rocketbook right up here. Pound something in there and another pound, which then will allow you or hashtag, I guess that’s what we call the pound nowadays. What’s going to happen between those two sets of double hashtag Rocketbook scan. We’ll recognize that is a title and we’ll name your file that way.

[00:02:58] Now that also will turn on your OCR, which means the scan is going to read your handwriting and turn it into an actual type written font thingy. ”That’s now what you call it? Type written font?’ There’s one last thing left to set up in the app. And that is how your files are going to be structured with the naming convention to make sure it ends up giving us the information we wanted to do. So let’s do that. 

[00:03:24] Going back into our settings, we go under file naming template. Now in this naming template, what we going to do is it’s only going to get a title, because of the smart title, but we want more information because the smart title, how I set up the naming convention is based on the client, but I want to know what’s coming after.

[00:03:46] And for that, we simply add the month, the day and the year to always have a timestamp to my note. And that’s it! Now everything is set up how you need it in the app to do the thing we want to do. I know it’s a whole bunch of how to, and set up and all the things right now, but luckily you only have to do it once per client and everything else is going to get really smooth.

[00:04:13] Now in your scans, let’s do a scan and let’s see what all of this does when we go there and let Rocketbook do its thing. Perfect scan is done. And we are sending that to my email and it’s going to be transcribing. Now you need to do the titles really clean, as you can see, it did not add the PH in between that we have right there.

[00:04:37] So what I’m going to do is I am actually going to rename this and make sure it has all the things I needed to have. If you watch the video about how to set up the forward and everything you saw that I specifically defined the emails that are getting forwarded by PH dash. That is what triggers Gmail to forward this email.

[00:05:05] So if for whatever reason, your scan just does not grab the smart title, which can happen, try to write it really clearly make it really easy for the AI to catch everything, to read everything, to do all the things, but if it doesn’t happen, I don’t automatically upload those scans to be able to  actually look at the title. Did it read it? Did it work it in this case? It didn’t, which meant I needed to go in, edit it just like adjusted. And now we are ready to send this because it got set up the right way, it got fixed. 

[00:05:40] More often than not. It does read and write. It does automatically do all the things you needed to do and you will find, but again, always double check, this is technology and it’s a Monday, so we know how that goes. And now what happens is this scan is being emailed into my Gmail. And as you can see, the scan came in with the PH right there. So now let’s look what happened over on ClickUp and if the forwarder did the thing it was supposed to do. And now that we refreshed, look at what is right there.

[00:06:15] If we scroll down, you’re going to have the original email is getting attached to the task. But if you look in the PDF, everything is white. They are a little bit bigger on the screen. Let’s make this a little smaller and there it is actually a little pro tip in my testing. What I did is I added the date to the smart title, but because we have set up a file naming structure, you don’t even have to add the date because it’s automatically going to do it for the file stock shot.

[00:06:45] So there’s another project for you. All you need to do is the double hashtag with your client initial and that’s it. Now you can turn a Rocketbook scan into an email automatically forwarded to your client’s list and have it pop up straight in your call notes. 

[00:07:04] Now, another way to do this is you can have a list that is called Rocketbook scans, and you can automatically, every single one of your rocket book scans be sent over there to that list.

[00:07:18] In that case, what I would recommend is in your file naming structure. Go into your file naming template and use either way the Rocketbook or the RB so that you can set and adjust your filter accordingly and you don’t just upload every single email as a task up to your ClickUp. This can happen really fast.

[00:07:39] You really want to have always something in your subject title that allows you to determine which one gets uploaded to click up or not. I have seen a lot of people that are just going by a specific email. Yeah. Guess what? Now, suddenly this email gets caught up somewhere was spamed, or you’re sending something else to it.

[00:08:00] Try to really just go by the subject line and have something in your subject line that allows you to easily determine. What needs to get uploaded to ClickUp. Now, the only thing that’s left to do is set everything up and let me know in the comments section what you are using this setup connecting your rocket book with your ClickUp for how are you going to put it to use?

[00:08:22] Are you going to put it to use for your work, your personal, your clients? Let me know in the comments section, I want to know. I wanted to see some used cases on how you used it.

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