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In today’s business world, remote work is more prevalent than ever, making efficient and effective communication a top priority. Are you tired of the endless cycle of weekly meetings and the scheduling nightmares that come with them?
Traditional means of communication, such as emails, video conference calls, and chat applications, frequently fall short in addressing the unique challenges posed by this distributed setup.
Here’s where private podcasts come into play, presenting a revolutionary way to streamline communication within your team and community.
Tackling Scheduling Issues
One of the major pain points in remote work environments is scheduling. Coordinating a meeting that fits everyone’s time zones can be a big struggle
Not to mention, these meetings often turn out to be less efficient, with time spent waiting for everyone to join, dealing with technical issues, or simply getting sidetracked. Private podcasts eliminate this problem entirely.
By allowing team members and community participants to tune in whenever it’s convenient for them, you remove the scheduling obstacle altogether. This ensures that everyone gets the crucial updates without the stress of finding a common time to meet.
Enhancing Connection
Regular meetings or lengthy email threads can often lead to disengagement. People may tune out during calls or skim through emails, missing out on vital information.
Private podcasts, on the other hand, offer a more engaging medium. The personal nature of voice communication can help convey emotions and nuances better than text ever could.
Plus, team members can listen in while commuting, exercising, or running errands, making the content more digestible and convenient.
Accessibility and Inclusivity
Private podcasts can also make communication more inclusive and accessible. Team members who are on parental leave, travelling, or otherwise unable to engage in real-time can still stay updated.
Additionally, offering transcriptions ensures that those with hearing impairments or those who are non-native speakers can easily follow along. This inclusivity fosters a more cohesive team environment, where everyone feels equally informed and valued.
Simplify private Podcast Production
Streamline your private podcast production effortlessly using our Podcast Production Template in ClickUp. Designed to simplify planning, scripting, recording, and editing, this template ensures a seamless workflow directly within ClickUp.
Eliminate guesswork and accelerate the creation of high-quality episodes with our structured framework and clear guidelines. The template promotes consistency, professionalism, and significant time savings.
Using private podcasts for team and community updates could be the simple communication solution you’ve been looking for.
By following these steps, you can create and manage a private podcast that keeps your audience informed and engaged without the usual scheduling headaches.
Implementing private podcasts, allow you to revolutionize your business communication, making it easier, clearer, and more engaging for everyone involved.
Video Transcription:
Yvonne Heimann [00:00:00]:
Are you tired of the endless cycle of weekly meetings and scheduling headaches? Especially nowadays where so many of our businesses and jobs are remote? Imagine a better way to keep your team informed and engaged without the hassle. And not only your team, also your community. Today we are going to explore a game changing solution that is making CEO’s lives and communication with their team and any kind of community way more simpler and easier and more efficient. They’re called private podcasts. Hi, I’m Yvonne Heimann, aka Yvi from askyvi.com. I am a business efficiency consultant and business strategist and I’m here to make your life easier and your business thrive using repeatable systems and processes and automating your work. Now let’s start on the beginning. What is a private podcast? A private podcast is like the name says, a podcast.
Yvonne Heimann [00:01:05]:
However, it does not get published to the public. So it doesn’t go out to Spotify and Apple and Google and all the things. It doesn’t go public, it stays private. Now why should you use a private podcast? If you are a global business with people all over the world, chances are trying to schedule weekly meetings at a good time for everybody is just a pain in the booty. What better way to update your team and community with a podcast? It keeps everybody in the loop with all the updates and important information in a consistent way. It lets employees and your community members listen whenever it works best for them, saving you the time and then to again try to get on the same table at the same time in the same moment. Basically, it now suddenly makes your communication so much smoother. You can easier stay in contact with your team and community and it’s so much easier to share information.
Yvonne Heimann [00:02:11]:
Now how do we set up a private podcast? First off, get really clear on the purpose and the audience or you are just generating another to-do and another “this could have been an email” podcast rather than really staying on topic. So decide for what purpose you are creating this podcast. Is it educational and training? Is it updates? And then who is listening? Is it your whole team? Is it a specific department? Is it based on a community or an offer that you are regularly working with? Purpose and audience. Figure out the content and the format. Again, we already talked about what are you going to talk about? Is it more a discussion format? Or is it you straight up talking at somebody? Are you bringing other coaches, consultants, thought leaders in? Are you bringing in other team members? Get really clear on what this is going to look like so that you can stay on track. And again, don’t create “this could have been an email” podcast. Then choose your platform. Now I have two favorite platforms.
Yvonne Heimann [00:03:15]:
Me personally, our podcast is running on Transistor.FM because our focus initially was public podcasts and I wanted to be able to run dynamic ads on it. So we chose Transistor. And as you can see, Transistor allows you to create a private podcast too. Now, our secondary favorite platform is Hello Audio. Lindsey Padilla, the CEO was on my podcast too, love her to pieces. Love Hello Audio. If we wouldn’t have been wanting to do dynamic ads on our public podcast, we would have gone with Hello Audio. So if you don’t need to run ads on your public podcast, go get yourself some Hello Audio.
Yvonne Heimann [00:03:59]:
And we have all the links in the description. As always. Now that you decided, are you going with Transistor or Hello Audio, it is time for you to record and upload. Now you do not have to go all crazy. Theoretically, you literally can use your phone and record your audio on your phone. Get yourself maybe a little external mic, or you can go as crazy as me with a Shure MV7 and all the cameras and things because yes, you can do video podcasts too. However, on this one, keep it simple. The simpler you keep it, the easier it’s going to be to stay up on producing your podcast.
Yvonne Heimann [00:04:35]:
Now, I’m curious, how are you updating your team right now? Before we dive into all the nitty gritty right now, how are you updating your team? Are you having weekly meetings? Bi weekly meetings? The Slack channel? What is it? Let me know in the comment section on how you keep your team updated and do that regular conversation. Now all of that is great. We got the technology out of the way. We know why we want to produce a private podcast. Now, how do we stay on top of things? You need to set a schedule. If it doesn’t have a due date and an assignee, it’s not gonna happen. We all know that. Create a schedule for your upcoming episodes and already brainstorm a few topics that you want to and need to cover.
Yvonne Heimann [00:05:15]:
Little pro tip right here because often, “now I don’t know what to talk about”. What are the ten questions you constantly get asked? What are the ten questions you should be getting asked? There, you already have 20 episodes that you can talk about. Encourage feedback. Yes, you are talking to somebody. It’s not a fourth and back, but encourage feedback. Give your audience, give your team, give your community a way to communicate with you and get back to you to give feedback. Maybe have a feedback form in ClickUp. Totally possible.
Yvonne Heimann [00:05:49]:
Check your analytics. Where are people popping off? Where are you losing people to get an idea of how long you want to have these private podcasts and where people might get overwhelmed? What’s not working? And then again, private podcasts should be short and clear. Respect your community’s and your team’s time by delivering concise episodes. Make it accessible. Ensure everybody knows how to access those private podcasts and give them transcriptions too. Adapt based on feedback. Again, you want to have a conversation with them. Yes, this is a one way street on delivering information.
Yvonne Heimann [00:06:26]:
That doesn’t mean you can’t get feedback. So be open to getting questions and again, have a form in ClickUp that says, hey, I would love to know this and I would love to know that, what are we doing here? And really get this feedback. And then you can easily manage all of those ideas and the follow up and when things are going out using my podcast production template right here in ClickUp, as you can tell, I can easily see where certain podcasts are at. We have the numbers. So which podcast episode is it? When is it supposed to get published? Couple of things that need to be done for this. In this case, we do have guests on it and leaders that share their knowledge. So with that, there’s a little bit more going on. You don’t need quite as much if it’s just you updating your team.
Yvonne Heimann [00:07:18]:
However, this podcast template within ClickUp makes it really, really simple to plan out your podcast trainings, your private podcast publishing schedule. So if this all feels a little bit much and you don’t know where to start and you just feeling overwhelmed in your business and all the things that you want to do, you can do people tell you you should do. I want to invite you to really power up your business. Come join us because I really would love to help you. Following these simple steps and tips will help you effectively create and manage a private podcast so you can easy and efficiently share your knowledge and updates with your team and community. If you’re ready to simplify your communication and say goodbye to those endless meetings, consider implementing a private podcast for you, your team and your community. It’s a straightforward way to keep everybody informed and engaged without the usual scheduling headaches. And if you are interested in more communication tips to make your business easier and clearer, check out this video over here where I talk about good habits and efficient team communication.
Yvonne Heimann [00:08:28]:
And also, don’t forget to subscribe because I want to see you in the next video.