The ClickUp Hierarchy – How to GET STARTED in ClickUp

If you’re wondering how to get started in ClickUp and what you can do to structure it in a way that better suits your business, you should check out this video walk through!

ClickUp Hierarchy

Before we dive into practical applications on how you can structure your ClickUp account, let’s take a closer look into how it’s segmented. 


  • This is your account or if you have clients with ClickUp you can integrate it with yours so that it shows up in your dashboard, then you can shift around so that you can manage their workspace.
  • Ex. Ask Yvi


  • You can categorize the areas in your business by creating designated “spaces”. 
  • Ex. (under the Ask Yvi workspace) Ask Yvi Business, ClickUp IRL, Marketing


  • Organize the files that’s related to a particular space. You will want to create folders that is aptly labeled so that you know what it’s for. You can create documents and store them in folders for easy access.
  • Ex. (under the Ask Yvi Business space) Content, Mini-Courses, Course


  • You can create lists directly under spaces OR inside folders if you want to be extra organized, but lists (for the lack of a better word) is where you list things down.
  • Ex. (under the Content folder) YouTube, Blog, Social Media, CAST


  •  Tasks are the “big picture” things that needs to get done — either by you or someone in your team.
  • Ex. (insert Ask Yvi blog post title) for Content, I usually name the tasks with the title of the video/blog post and then it gets broken down into sub tasks, AND THEN broken down even further into smaller, manageable to-do lists (checklists).

Sub Tasks

  • Some tasks tend to overlap, so sub tasks help keep the bigger steps organized.
  • Ex. Video prep, video editing, blog post, marketing

Checklists (TO-DO)

  •  Some tasks entail more work than others, this is where sub tasks come in, you can use this to further break down the task that needs to get done.
  • Ex. (under the Video Prep sub task) storyboarding, video recording, video optimization

BONUS feature mention!


  • You can build your SOPs and store important data using documents. I’ve created a handy guide + video walk through on how to make ClickUp documents (without making a HUGE mess!)
I hope you picked up a thing or two with my practical how to get started in ClickUp walk through. 


Don’t forget to grab your FREE downloadable guide below!

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