Women Are Changing the Rules of Business for Good

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In a world historically dominated by traditional, often male-centric business paradigms, women entrepreneurs are not just participating in the business world—they are changing the rules of business

In this solo episode, Yvonne Heimann is diving into the unique ways women are reshaping the world of business. She will explore how women are stepping into their power by rejecting hustle culture and redefining success on their own terms. 

Yvonne will discuss the natural, passionate, and emotionally intelligent approaches women bring to the table, and how these qualities foster deeper connections and more sustainable businesses. She’ll also share personal insights and experiences about leading with intuition and creating a supportive community.

Boss Your Business Podcast Ep 86 Women Are Changing the Rules of Business for Good Yvonne Heimann story - Ask Yvi

The Shift Towards Passion-Driven Business

One of the most profound insights Yvonne shared is the idea that women often build businesses around deep-seated passions rather than the sole pursuit of profit. While money does play a significant role, it’s typically viewed as a byproduct of doing something you love and believe in. For many women, the driving force behind starting a business lies in the desire to create meaningful impact.

This passion-driven approach diverges sharply from the traditional profit-first mindsetWhile money does play a significant role, it’s typically viewed as a byproduct of doing something you love and believe in. For many women, the driving force behind starting a business lies in the desire to create meaningful impact. This passion-driven approach diverges sharply from the traditional profit-first mindset, showcasing how women are changing the rules of business by prioritizing impact over mere financial gain.

Harnessing Emotional Intelligence and Intuition

Yvonne highlighted that emotional intelligence (EQ) and intuition are pivotal traits that women bring to the table. These elements enable women to build more profound and sustainable connections with clients, team members, and partners. This emphasis on EQ isn’t just about creating a “feel-good” work atmosphere; it’s about leveraging emotional insights to make better, more nuanced business decisions.

Emotional intelligence fosters environments where team members feel valued and heard. As Yvonne explained through her experience with her team, creating a space where an employee feels safe enough to share feedback openly is essential. This kind of transparent, empathetic leadership helps to promote creativity, loyalty, and long-term commitment within the team.

Rejecting Hustle Culture

Another key distinction in female-led businesses is the rejection of the traditional hustle culture. The hustle mentality — characterized by constant grinding, overworking, and sleepless nights — is often glorified in traditional male-centric business environments. Women are increasingly pushing back against this narrative, opting instead for a balanced, sustainable approach to work.

In the long run, sustainable business practices not only prevent burnout but also foster continuous growth and innovation. By prioritizing well-being alongside productivitywomen entrepreneurs are fundamentally changing how businesses function, crafting work cultures that value well-being, mental health, and personal fulfillment as much as productivity and achievements.

Building Inclusive and Community-Focused Businesses

Women are pioneering a shift from competition to collaboration. Traditional business models often emphasize outpacing competitors at any cost, but female entrepreneurs are fostering communities where mutual support and collaboration are at the forefront. As Yvonne suggests, there’s a sense of sisterhood and collective empowerment among women in business.

This community-centric approach doesn’t just benefit the immediate network but expands outward, creating waves of positive change and fostering diverse ecosystems. By creating spaces where everyone feels they have a voice and a stake, women-led businesses are breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity.

Personal Growth and Business Alignment

Women’s businesses often reflect their personal journeys, principles, and values. Yvonne mentioned how important it is for female entrepreneurs to align their business practices with their personal growth and intuitive insight. This alignment frequently involves a personalized approach to coaching and mentorship.

For example, Yvonne’s practice of using personality profiles and value elicitation with her clients serves to ensure that each business strategy she proposes is tailor-made for that individual. This personalized approach contrasts with the one-size-fits-all model, which can miss the nuanced needs of different personalities and business types.

Success Beyond Financial Metrics

Success for female entrepreneurs is often defined beyond just a financial bottom line. Freedom of choice, the ability to take time off, to travel, to spend time with family, and to be true to oneself are all crucial markers of success in the female entrepreneurial lexicon. This broader definition of success stands as a testament to a more holistic view of life and business.

When Yvonne mentions her year of “all of me,” she touches on the need for balance in personal and professional life. Not only does this balance enhance personal well-being, but it also translates into more innovative and resilient business practices.


What we can glean from Yvonne’s insights is that women are not just succeeding in business; they are transforming it. Female entrepreneurs are rejecting outdated models of success and creating more balanced, inclusive, and emotionally intelligent ways of running businesses. By changing the rules of business, they provide a refreshing alternative that prioritizes long-term sustainability, meaningful impact, and collective success.

What are you passionate about in your business? How are you redefining success? Let us celebrate your achievements together. Share your story in the comments below, and stay tuned for more inspiring insights from the journey to boss your business.

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📄 Video Transcription:

Yvonne Heimann [00:00:05]:
Welcome to another episode of Boss Your Business. And as you can see, I’m alone here today. I wanted to jump in here and share a few of my thoughts. So you’re gonna get to see more and more of those single episodes pop up as I’ve been growing, doing a lot of work behind the scenes and have so many thoughts in my head and lessons learned that I want to share with you. So today I want to really talk about how women do business differently. Now, if you are in the online space, if you’re in the coaching space, in the service provider space, you might have seen over the last few months that women are stepping more and more into their power. You see more women show up online, you see more women say we are not subscribing to the B’s anymore out there that so many of those bro coaches and I hustle forcing have to get up at 04:00 a.m.

Yvonne Heimann [00:01:21]:
type male coaches out there promoting. So I wanted to dive deeper into why? Now we all need to choose our own journey. We all need to choose our own path. I am not saying that there’s not going to be seasons of hustling. I am not saying that sometimes you have to grind, you have to set the alarm to 04:00 a.m. to get the things done you committed to. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying in the big picture, women in general usually run their business differently than men do.

Yvonne Heimann [00:01:57]:
Women have a more natural approach to business. We tend to build business around a deep seated passion rather than chasing profit. For us, money is a side effect that makes life easier. I don’t think many of us, if not all of us, have started our business to make money. We are not here to just fill our bank account. We want to leave an impact. We want to change something we’ve seen that doesn’t align with how we want this world to be and how we want to leave this world behind. We’ve started a business to have an impact because we are passionate about building longevity, having an impact, aligning with a greater purpose or mission.

Yvonne Heimann [00:02:59]:
Now, with that, the approach to business is completely different. The way we are running business, the way we are marketing business, the way we are being out there is different because we are coming from an intuition and emotional intelligence. Women running their business often bring a higher degree of emotional intelligence and intuition to their decision making, which helps really build these meaningful connection with clients and team members. That’s one of the things I’ve actually been talking about with my team where. Recent experience. I was talking to a really in tuned male client of mine that is going through a growth spurt in his job. He’s supposed to be taking over some things.

Yvonne Heimann [00:04:00]:
Doesn’t. The specifics don’t matter. He’s really in tuned high EQ and was supposed to be getting trained by a colleague that just isn’t training him. That just is. I’m getting the thing done, and I’m like, this is not how we train people. This is not how I connect with my team. This is not how I help people. So my.

Yvonne Heimann [00:04:30]:
My whole body was just like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What? Because on the opposite side, I look at how I’m stepping into my leader position here as the CEO of Ask Yvi how I work with my team. And my new team member has only been on staff for four months. That’s no time. However, in this time, we have been able to get her into a position where she feels safe and hurt because I approached the teaching her and stepping into her from a intuition, first of all, where I’m like, I’m just feeling it out. I’m hearing. I’m listening to her. I’m not just talking at her, but I’m listening how she communicates with me.

Yvonne Heimann [00:05:25]:
And me simply assuming she does not know. Always checking in. Hey, how do you feel about this? How. What do you think about that? Putting her into a position where she herself steps into a leader position and feels safe and confident to be able to say, hey, this doesn’t work for me. Where she has the right. I literally. I literally went hiring her. I’m like, you need to call me out on my bullshit.

Yvonne Heimann [00:05:23]:
If I’m going down a rabbit hole or if I’m saying something that comes across in a certain way, you need to let me know, because it doesn’t matter how I say something. It matters how you perceive it. And now, suddenly, we have built this relationship where she is invested in my company, where she comes up with ideas, where she takes initiative, rather than struggling to learn something new, to figure out what I ask her to do. So the opposite now with not having that intuition, that emotional intelligence. Now suddenly you have a colleague or a client or potentially a community member or somebody in your partnership. That is like not feeling confident to say, hey, this is crap. I’m not even learning what you did. You were just throwing it.

Yvonne Heimann [00:06:57]:
Yeah, I fixed it. But how to a helping somebody step into their power and be like, hey, this just didn’t work for me. Now, looking at the big picture, what I see a lot of women do is really rejecting this idea of hustle culture. We are not here to work twenty four seven and just be in the grind. A female run business is usually a more balanced business that is more sustainable and human centered in that approach. And I do believe that is based in the idea of us multitasking, where women often take on a lot of roles, where it’s mother, where it’s caregiver, where it’s business owner, wherever there is so many different things that we feel should be our priority, that we do. Now, there’s a whole nother podcast in there when it comes to being in a relationship as a female CEO and how I believe that personal relationship should look like. But I’m gonna go down a rabbit hole if we get into this today.

Yvonne Heimann [00:08:17]:
It’s if you are in my social media, you know, this is my year of all of me, where it often feels like I’m 10,000 different personalities. I’ve been a caregiver in the past, and believe me, I did not manage that balance well because it was full on caregiver and everything else fell off the deep end. But look at moms. Look at mom business owners that are really multitasking. All of these things of taking care of your child, taking care of the house, doing laundry, doing things, having a life, being yourself. We often identify with what we do, where it’s like, cool. There is go out heels, sexy Yvi in her personal power and showing up and doing all the things. And then you have Yvi, that’s a little bit more professional.

Yvonne Heimann [00:09:18]:
Still sexy, though, showing up in networking events and connecting with people and teaching. And then there is experience, Yvi, that has been falling off the deep end a little bit because I got so comfortable just being lazy Yvi at home on the couch, recharging, that I completely forgot how much recharging I do when I go out with friends, when I go paddle boarding in San Diego. Experience this area here where it just seems like us as women, we are so many different personalities and all touch each other. Have you ever. I don’t know if he’s a pastor or comedian. I don’t even know. There is a video out there. I need to find it for you.

Yvonne Heimann [00:10:02]:
Where the speaker on stage talks about how women and man brains work differently. And I think that’s one of the best explanations how a female led business and a male led business is different. He has two heads on the stage. And I’ll see if my editor can actually find the video and, oh, will bring it in here for you so you can listen to it from them. But pretty much what he’s talking about is he’s talking about the male brain, and he’s joking about, it’s more relationship focused. He’s joking about how the wife asks her husband, what are you doing? What are you thinking of? And he’s like, nothing. And he’s like, how can you think of nothing? He says, you know what? When you think of a male brain, it’s all boxes. It’s all boxes.

Yvonne Heimann [00:10:50]:
And. And you got the children box, and you got the wife box, and you got the do your chore box, and you got the fishing box, and you got the do nothing box, and they don’t touch. They do not touch. When I’m in my fishing box, my wife box is closed. Right? They don’t touch. However, when you have a female brain, it’s like a huge ball of yarn. You got the children, you got the laundry, you got the, you got the business, you got the things, you got the passion, you got. You got all those things.

Yvonne Heimann [00:11:16]:
And they all touch with each other. And I think that’s where it comes from, that women simply run their business different than men do. And when I look around, my mentors, the accounts that I follow online, the women that I follow online, it is really predominant and really coming out that women are simply not going for that rigid, outdated model of success. It is not about. It is in the marketing. We’re still playing with the six and seven figure because it’s an easy language. But when you look behind the marketing language, success is often determined not on the money, but what the money gives us. Being able to travel, being able to spend time with your family, being able to step away from our business, no matter how passionate we are and no matter how much we love them.

Yvonne Heimann [00:12:30]:
Success for female business shows up so differently than a full bank account. And with that, watching women show up online is also so much more different than just an old standard business. When I look at the, the episodes and the women that I have interviewed here on Boss Your Business, one thing is the same, even though it manifested different in their business, is they want to run business on their own terms. It’s not about being flashy. It’s not about marketing speak. It’s not about hustling and working your butt off. It’s not about all the bro culture b’s. It’s about having a business that supports your freedom of choice.

Yvonne Heimann [00:13:39]:
Now, figuring out what that looks like can be quite a journey. Looking at my recent change in business behind the scenes that has happening in our own personal growth. I don’t know about you, but looking at me, I have struggled a lot having that pride and that knowledge and that security of knowing I have all I need and I am enough. That’s been quite a learning. Which means in my personal growth, in my business growth, I have looked a lot outside. Now, the coaches I have hired and the programs I’ve joined were all worth it because I learned from all of them. But what they didn’t do is give me that safety and security to know I’m running my business, how I want to run it. All of those programs are right.

Yvonne Heimann [00:14:35]:
All of those programs work. But are they going to work with me? And that’s where I. I run my own business differently and how I coach differently, because, yes, group coaching works. Yes. One on one works. Yes. Courses work. Yes.

Yvonne Heimann [00:14:51]:
Life launching works. Yes. Evergreen works. They all work. You can take all of these courses. You can take all of these learnings. But it comes back around to we as women tend to not just step into somebody else’s life and system, but rather needed to connect with our own intuition and passion of what we want our life to look like. And I think that’s where some coaches fall short of.

Yvonne Heimann [00:15:30]:
Yes, they are giving you the solution, but they haven’t helped you understand if that solution is the right for you. And that’s where I chose to close the gap. You see where I’m going with this again? There is a passion in me where I’m like, oh, my God, I see the need. I see the struggle. So many women spend so much money for all of these programs that work with that missing piece of. But is it right for you? That’s what I’m passionate about. Do you see, do you see how it literally manifests in my own business, how we women run our business? And that’s why I decided to, with my own group coaching program, literally start with you, with starting with a whole bunch of personality profiles. Now, I love them because we can get some information out of it.

Yvonne Heimann [00:16:26]:
It’s not that I’m like, oh, my God, you now have to do this. No, we just get some information about you. If that is human design, if that is any astrology, if that is Maya Briggs, whatever it is, I take all of these personality profiles in combination with one on one eliciting values from my clients. Now, let me clarify if you haven’t heard me talk about this yet, when we elicit values, it’s not like you decide on values for your business. Yes, you should do that too. But when I elicit values out of my clients and members, that means we are tapping into your subconscious. What triggers you? What makes you make certain decision? What is the reason that makes you do things? And you’re like, why the hell did I do that? Makes no sense. Those are your subconscious values.

Yvonne Heimann [00:17:25]:
And I can elicit them for your personal life, for your business life, all the things. So what I decided is, in my program, because I’ve seen it missed everywhere else, is to really dive into my clients. That’s where my passion lies. That’s where a female led business is different. Because it’s not just like here, eat and die, here’s the course, go do it. It is based in that emotional intelligence, in that intuition, and in really that passion of I want every single one to succeed.

Yvonne Heimann [00:18:05]:
So what do I need to give my clients and my members to succeed? And that’s where that huge difference is on female led businesses. It’s this community, it’s this sisterhood. When you’re really looking deeper and closer into female led business, into women running their business, it’s about community. It’s about rising together. It’s about supporting each other and celebrating each other. And I want to celebrate you. What are you doing in your business? What are you promoting right now? What are you passionate about? Pop in the comments below.

Yvonne Heimann [00:18:53]:
Come, let us celebrate you. And stay tuned for more of these solo episodes coming where I share with you all the fun and craziness that is happening in my head while I’m on this journey to really boss my business and continue to step into my power. Can’t wait to see you in the comments and hopefully in the next episode. Bye.

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