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Who is Dee Davidson?
Dee Davidson, a board-certified functional health practitioner with a specialization in hormone health, had faced her own set of challenges with hormonal imbalances from a young age.
Despite the seemingly endless hurdles, including painful periods and infertility issues, Dee’s tenacity shone through. Her struggles not only marked the beginning of her healing journey but also ignited a passion for helping others navigate the complexities of hormonal health.
Episode 73 – Transcript + Timestamps
Unlocking Hormone Secrets for Business Success with Dee Davidson
[00:00:00] Yvonne Heimann: Hello, and welcome back to Boss Your Business And Your Mindset. And today, today, ladies, this is an episode for you. Today, we are diving deep into a topic that is near and dear to my heart as I have been to my own journey with this. And I am welcoming Dee Davidson today, as we are talking hormones, ladies, hormones.
[00:00:27] That pain in my ass sometimes. Fortunately, I’m far into my journey, but we’ll get all to all of this and how this implements and affects your business and all the things. That’s why I brought Dee on. Hi Dee, so happy to have you. Tell my audience, who are you? What do you do? And why am I throwing the H word around?
[00:00:50] Dee Davidson: Thanks for having me, first of all, I’m honored to be here. My name again is Dee Davidson. I’m a board certified functional health practitioner, and I have a [00:01:00] certification in hormone health because we will get to my own struggles. But I’ve had hormone struggles pretty much my whole life since I was a teenager.
[00:01:09] I did not know that I had hormonal struggles until I went to conceive and had infertility issues. I thought painful periods were just something that women went through. And it was just part of life. And then I went to go have kids and had infertility issues. Post infertility treatments. I was almost 50 pounds heavier.
[00:01:29] So I had hormone issues there. And now I’m going to be 50 in a couple months. So I’m not having hormone issues because I finally figured out what makes the hormones balance out and how to, how to take care of that. But a lot of the women around me are having the, I don’t know what’s going on with my, my body moments.
[00:01:46] And so I’m super passionate about hormone health because people think that hormones are just about fertility, and that’s so not true. Hormones regulate everything, your brain and nervous system, your pituitary gland, [00:02:00] thyroid, your metabolism, insulin, everything is related to your hormones. And people go, Oh, wow, I didn’t even know those other things were hormones.
[00:02:08] Our hunger cues, everything is regulated by hormones. So I, I’m really fascinated by what makes hormones get out of whack, suppresses them, and there needs to be a lot of education because I think that marketing and social media and all that has just told us, like, you’re a woman, you get bad periods, and then you have menopause or perimenopause, and you just gain weight, and you can’t sleep, and you have hot flashes, and that’s just the way it is, and it’s not true.
[00:02:37] It’s not true. You just have to be informed, educated, and in tune with your body.
[00:02:42] Yvonne Heimann: Oh my God. The first, the first time, yes, to all of it, the first time I was exposed to pretty much my own hormones. I’m like, when I, when I was young, I’m like, yeah, whatever. I’m one of the lucky ones. I’m, I’m pretty easy on my period.
[00:02:56] Always have been, I’m [00:03:00] easy in comparison. I have crappy days, ladies. No question about that. But considering some of the stories I hear from my friends that are knocked out on the couch for a week and can’t move, I have it easy. And then so I’m like in the beginning and like in my twenties, I’m, I’m on the pill.
[00:03:19] I’m on, on artificial hormones and all the stuff. We know what that means, right?
[00:03:24] Dee Davidson: Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
[00:03:25] Yvonne Heimann: And then I met my late husband who had a vasectomy and I’m like, I can get off the pill. I don’t need to throw the stuff into my body. Sure. And it took me two years, two years of insanity to balance that back off again.
[00:03:43] That’s the first time when I realized just the impact of, of just taking the pill for that matter.
[00:03:52] Dee Davidson: Yeah, and that’s the crazy thing is that they put people on the pill. I just had this conversation with one of my best friends She, [00:04:00] she’s, she had an a bowel obstruction and you’re probably thinking like why would you put on birth control for that?
[00:04:06] But doctors prescribe birth control for all of these crazy things that aren’t even for preventing births, right? So it’s crazy how many women use it for acne. You know, trying to balance their hormones, which you’re not balancing your hormones, by the way, what you’re doing is putting your body into a coma hormone.
[00:04:30] And it probably took you that long to re-regulate because your body doesn’t know what to do now. Like you put it into this coma, this autopilot, and now your body’s like, Oh, I have to do this on my own, which is what I think happened with me with my infertility. I had every, test under the sun and so did my, my, the father my children and everything came back.
[00:04:54] It was so frustrating. Fine. Like, Oh, sperm counts fine. You obviously I have a regular [00:05:00] periods, but I really do believe that the body forgets what it’s supposed to do without those drugs. And once I had my first successful pregnancy through infertility treatments with my, I got pregnant again right away on the first month because we thought oh we’re gonna have trouble again.
[00:05:16] First time we tried I got pregnant. I did miscarry at 14 weeks but then they said wait three months and we’re like now we’re just gonna do whatever and got pregnant again first try. So I think that we suppress a lot of our functions through using birth control and there’s a lot of side effects. It’s great at masking something.
[00:05:36] You know, I had another client who, she started lactating at age 14 when she got her period, very mysterious. And they said, Oh, we’ll just put you on breath control and it’ll stop it. So,
[00:05:49] Yvonne Heimann: you know, how about we figure out the underlying cause?
[00:05:54] Dee Davidson: Thank you.
[00:05:56] Yvonne Heimann: And I’m like, and it’s, it’s, that’s the journey I have been on since [00:06:00] then where, because I’m like, it’s, it’s not just about throwing other hormones into our body and trying to get pregnant, it’s, it’s our lifestyle.
[00:06:09] To this day, being more balanced. I have days where I can see myself, what I’m doing. Yet, and I don’t want to say I’m hormonal, but I don’t have a better word to say it because I don’t like him. Like I’m just hormonal. I’m like, yeah, I’m female. I’m hormonal. Can we use this as
[00:06:28] Dee Davidson: I agree,
[00:06:30] Yvonne Heimann: but it’s like, it’s, and it changes per day. So I’m still figuring my body out. What I’m a data point, right? I’m a data point girl. It’s like, okay, what did I do different this month? And I did different last month. And hormones and how our body reacts and acts with hormones is an every day for us in business.
[00:06:53] Dee Davidson: Yes.
[00:06:54] Yvonne Heimann: Where it’s like when I have, and I can see, I can see the waves.
[00:06:57] I’m like, I have the aura ring. I’m, I’m seeing my internal [00:07:00] body temperature. I’m seeing my sleep scores. I’m seeing all of those amazing data points where I finally can also track my moods based on where my hormones go, where my body is
[00:07:13] Dee Davidson: Sure
[00:07:15] Yvonne Heimann: so it is, it is an every day of our business, of our live and we don’t have to struggle with it.
[00:07:24] So for my audience and I, there are a lot of women in my audience and guys, if you are still listening and watching to this episode, go support your partner. This is what our body is.
[00:07:36] Dee Davidson: Happier relationship and a happier partner, share this with your partner and also start to understand the cycles. Like I know my partner, he knows, you know, I’m still cycling.
[00:07:47] I haven’t gone into menopause yet, but he knows that week before, like how he kind of treads a little more lightly, right? Like I’m exhausted. And the more you understand your partner, if you are a male [00:08:00] listening, the better your relationship’s going to be and you’re going to really understand that the cycle is a real thing around business I tell women If you track your cycle and after a while, you’ll just understand even for a little bit.
[00:08:14] You’ll understand that, hey, maybe producing, creating, doing all these things the week before your period, not a good idea. You don’t have the energy. It’s just like exercises. Women who are like, well, I have to do my weight training and my HIIT workouts. And no, the week before your period, you should be resting, letting your body do, you’re going to be shedding.
[00:08:33] What can you release? What can you let go of? And that’s not just physically, it’s emotionally, mentally with your business. Okay, what do I need to stop doing? All of that should be a reflection point when it comes to right before your, your bleed phase.
[00:08:50] Yvonne Heimann: And that’s one of the things that I have in, in this collecting of data, what I have realized it’s right before my period is the [00:09:00] best time for me to actually ideate and clean up.
[00:09:03] I can sit on the couch. I can take it easy and things just come out of me. I’m like, why are we doing this, this needs to be clean up, new ideas their and all the stuff.
[00:09:12] Dee Davidson: Yeah.
[00:09:12] Yvonne Heimann: Recording videos, not gonna happen. It’s like, I look back at why did I, why did I push this YouTube video? And why, why wasn’t I doing it? Why was I fighting it so hard?
[00:09:24] And it always happened to be the week before my period. I’m like, really? Okay. So let’s build a schedule around it.
[00:09:31] Dee Davidson: Totally.
Simple Steps To Understand Your Hormones
[00:09:33] Yvonne Heimann: And what I would love to go into is, I know a lot of us women have started this journey of figuring out how does this work, realizing that strong, heavy, painful period is not necessarily something that’s normal, even though we have been told this.
[00:09:52] Where can they start their journey of, okay, collecting data, figuring out what’s working, what’s not working, [00:10:00] balancing. What can they do to, to start their journey to really get out of this BS perception of what our body should be and start getting to where it can be.
[00:10:14] Dee Davidson: Yeah, that’s a great question. And a lot of times people will go on my calendar and schedule a hormone evaluation and they automatically think like, I need to have lab work done.
[00:10:24] There’s something wrong with me. And one of the first things that I ask is, have you ever worked with a hormone specialist or someone who’s a hormone coach? Because if you haven’t been educated on these foundational things we’re going to talk about right now, first and applied them you have to take responsibility and accountability.
[00:10:43] I tell the ladies like I can give you all the tools, but you have to really do them and understand your body and get back into your body. Can’t go around being a, you know, autopilot unconscious thing. But I urge them, try these things for 90 days because again, we have to understand that if you [00:11:00] try seed cycling. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of that or you’re trying to track your cycle and implement these things. You’re reseeding your body You and recalibrating, it’s not going to happen the first cycle, probably it’s more likely going to show up in your energy, your sleep, your lesson PMS symptoms 90 days later, and you have to be consistent with the things, but the things that I have women start with.
[00:11:24] I use this acronym DRESS, like a dress that we put on, and I have them start with diets. So blood sugar regulation and hormones are like this. So many women have their blood sugar going like this. They’re not eating, oh, I’m eating healthy. I have some carrots in the afternoon for a snack.
[00:11:42] We have to understand and look into blood sugar regulation. A lot of people are going around wearing those CGMs. You’ll see them put them on, or you can use a glucometer, but really just common sense. I just think that science is great. And some people love to see all the numbers and things, but common sense of, right?
[00:11:59] [00:12:00] Yeah. It’s a good tool, but for some people it’s so unhealthy because then they get so fixated on that and they’re again not listening to their body and we have to be reconnected with how do I feel 90 minutes after I eat that, 60 minutes to 90 minutes after.
[00:12:15] But you know, having what I call a magic plate of all the things. You have to have greens on there. A lot of women not eating leafy greens because leafy greens help to absorb that glucose spike. Carbs aren’t bad. We’ve been told that carbs are bad, but we need carbs like good carbs, sweet potato, potato, vegetable. We need carbs for fuel. That’s why so many women are fatigued, especially the week before your period.
[00:12:41] You need carbs. to have that whole process happening. But you know, they do spike like blood, blood sugar levels can spike from a sweet potato. Of course it still has sugar or fruit, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. You can do certain things like eat your leafy greens first, then it coats the upper intestine.
[00:12:59] And [00:13:00] when you eat the carb, you’re going to have less of a glucose spike, but blood sugar is a huge one when it comes to hormones. If your blood sugar is all dysregulated. Your hormones are going to be all over the place. So make sure you have your leafy greens, enough protein. Ladies, you got to be eating 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal.
[00:13:18] Did you want to add something?
[00:13:19] Yvonne Heimann: That was, that was, that was one I just learned. I’m working with, with my coach who is like, okay, cool. I’m seeing the transition. Yeah, you are not quite progressing as much as I would like. Are you eating enough protein? Because ladies, if we are not eating protein before working out, you were actually eating up your muscle.
[00:13:41] Dee Davidson: That’s right. That’s right.
[00:13:43] Yvonne Heimann: So that’s why I was smiling over here because yeah, I just had calculated, literally last week, calculated how much protein I am supposed to be taking in an average. It’s like, I’m, yes, I love numbers, but I’m not going to be like, Oh my God, this has to happen this way.
[00:13:58] Dee Davidson: Right.
[00:13:58] Yvonne Heimann: I take it [00:14:00] as a guideline and I am about 25 percent below the protein intake without, without, I haven’t planned on it.
[00:14:09] I haven’t paid attention to it. So just with my standard diet, I’m 25 percent underneath what I should be taking for the workout schedule I have.
[00:14:19] Dee Davidson: Yeah. I’m like, and that’s a great point because. You know, typically it’s 25 to 30 grams of protein per meal. Everybody’s different. So again, don’t base it on your sister, your mother, everybody’s different. And you have to listen to your body.
[00:14:33] How’s your energy? Are you building muscle when you’re working out? But if you work out, you need even more protein because you are burning through it and you need to build up that muscle that you’re breaking down. So, you know, one gram per pound that you want to weigh and people go, that’s a lot of protein.
[00:14:50] Yvonne Heimann: Exactly. I was like, how much?
[00:14:52] Dee Davidson: Yeah. You need to learn and work with someone like your coach to understand, like you can layer, when you start to understand it’s not a huge [00:15:00] piece of steak. It can be, but it can be just layered approach of different protein sources.
[00:15:06] Yvonne Heimann: I looked at, so based on that, he’s like, hey, I know you don’t necessarily have.
[00:15:11] And I have never done the whole macro thing or whatever. It’s, german. It’s, it’s. I know how to cook. I eat fairly healthy in consideration to how the US eats. So I was never really paying full attention to it. So he recommends this app to me to get an idea of how many calories I might get and how many, how many fats and proteins specifically, we only paid attention to the protein and I was really surprised of doing a, one of those butter Buddha bowls with, what is the name of it?
[00:15:46] Not rice in the bottom, the grain thingy. Quinoa. Quinoa. Thank you. Quinoa on it. Some greens. I loved the, the tip of just put a rainbow on it. So I literally go by color, all kinds of greens, all kinds of stuff and, and [00:16:00] put a protein on top if that’s some steak or some chicken and it, it’s now a bowl that I really like and I don’t have to quote bulk up and do all these things. And it was like 45, 50 grams of protein.
[00:16:15] Dee Davidson: That’s the other thing. Quinoa is a great source of protein. People think of just meat and fish and eggs. Quinoa is a great source of protein. It’s an easy thing. You can prepare quinoa, keep it in the fridge, scoop it out. Right. So all of these things.
[00:16:30] Yvonne Heimann: That’s exactly what I did. I’m like, I have a box of quinoa. I just did the whole full cup thing. Prep it in the fridge. Throw it all together.
Consistency And Sustainability Are Key For Hormone Health
[00:16:37] Dee Davidson: Sometimes we, we work ourselves up to think it’s going to be much more than it needs to be. So having someone like your coach or myself simplify is, is key. Like what things can you do that you can repetitively eat once you cook it, you have it in the fridge.
[00:16:54] It doesn’t have to be like, I have to cook this whole meal three times a day that, you know, some things can be a little [00:17:00] bit simpler, but looking at that, your protein, your eat your greens first for blood sugar regulation, Carbs, you need carbs. So single ingredient carbs, carbs aren’t bad and good rule of thumb, just look at your plate.
[00:17:12] Do you have a fist or like a mound that you don’t have to track macros and do all that if you want to, that’s great. That’s awesome.
[00:17:18] Yvonne Heimann: But I’m like, it’s not going to happen if I have to track all of this,
[00:17:22] Dee Davidson: but it’s not sustainable. I’m all about sustainability and the people that come to me, like I had a woman yesterday who, can you have my husband on the discovery call too, because he wants to know what’s going to be different about you than everything else I’ve tried.
[00:17:34] Well, you know, sustainability is key. You can’t say I’m never going to have another piece of cake or another glass of wine. If you like those things, you’re going to be always wanting, craving it like out of restriction. So we have to learn how to live the 80 20 rule and in moderation, not restriction. It just does not work longterm.
[00:17:53] But if you have those things on your plate, And you’re balancing your blood sugar, eating every three or four hours, you’re going to be in a much [00:18:00] better position to fuel your hormones. Make sure that you have fat too. That’s the other thing. A lot of women restrict fat or they don’t even think about it, but you need healthy fat because healthy fat is what actually creates your hormones.
[00:18:12] So if your hormones are depleted and you’re not eating avocados, olives, salmon, good fats with every meal, you’re not helping fuel new hormones. That’s very, very important. And eating in the morning. So I know a lot of people have jumped on the fasting, fasting, you know, whatever train, intermittent fasting.
[00:18:35] That was me too. And when I, when I checked my hormones a few years ago, I had tanked my hormones because if you have. Most women have stress, even though they might come to me and say, I don’t have a lot of stress. When we start doing the checklist, they have a lot of stress. They got businesses, they’re running, they got kids they’re taking care of, significant others.
[00:18:53] They’re traveling. Like one lady just said, oh, I realized traveling’s my lifestyle. Yeah. So, you know, that’s a stressor, even though you think [00:19:00] it’s fun. And so if you’re waking up and then you’re doing your workout, a lot of people work out on an empty stomach or you’re getting right off to work, getting on those calls and things, running your business.
[00:19:12] It’s like trying to run your car on an empty tank. It’s just not good for women. Intermittent fasting, if you’re a male listening, men do great with intermittent fasting because we have to think of our biological makeup. Men were made nothing against, you know, not like feminists or anything like that, but men were made to go out into the fields for hours without access to food.
[00:19:34] Women we were the homemakers biologically. I know that we’ve society has taken us a different route, but our biology is our biology and so intermittent fasting if you’re gonna fast is a great book called on fast like a girl. Have you heard of that?
[00:19:47] Yvonne Heimann: Yeah. Yep. I have
[00:19:49] Dee Davidson: But it talks about what how do you fast. That fasting has a lot of great benefits for cellular cleanup and all of that GI rest, but there’s a way to do it as a woman. I [00:20:00] highly recommend that book. Might be cutting off eating at 5 or 6 pm.
[00:20:03] But don’t cut off eating in the morning until 11, 12 or 1 o’clock when you’re, the most activity you have to do for the day and the most demand for your body and your business is gonna be earlier in the day, hopefully. That’s a huge thing. Making sure you eat an hour to an hour and a half after you wake up and then every three or four hours to maintain your, your blood sugar because your blood sugar and hormones just keep remembering they go together.
[00:20:29] If your blood sugar is dysregulated, your hormones are going to be all over the place.So that’s, that’s a big one.
[00:20:35] Yvonne Heimann: Breakfast in general has been a struggle for me in the past. My breakfast was a coffee.
[00:20:41] Dee Davidson: Yeah. And that’s spikes your cortisol.
[00:20:43] Yvonne Heimann: My past, my past, anybody listening that has been my past. I found, I found my way in, in some simple breakfasts and I go through phases with No spicy.
[00:20:57] It’s like I get hyper, hyper [00:21:00] focused on one food till I’m completely tired of it because I had it for the last two months. And then I switched to something else. That’s how my brain works. Right now, it’s a simple banana pancake that I was exposed to. It’s literally just One banana to, in my case, two eggs.
[00:21:16] I throw in some protein powder. I throw in some chia seeds, some flax seeds. Yeah. Bake that out, some fresh fruit with it and some unsweetened applesauce on top. It’s fastly done. I don’t have to think about it. It actually doesn’t feel like breakfast to me. It feels like a treat to me.
[00:21:32] Dee Davidson: Yeah, that sounds amazing.
[00:21:33] Yvonne Heimann: And I can stick to it. And then once I get tired of it, chances, ah, I’m gonna get back to a yogurt again. Throwing some protein powder in. I don’t, I, I don’t do well with just protein drinks. I don’t that, that whole grainy thing.
[00:21:45] Dee Davidson: Consistency.
[00:21:47] Yvonne Heimann: That can’t, I just can’t. And so I try to, to sneak just to help a little bit.
[00:21:53] I’m not going all crazy with protein powders, but trying to sneak it in a little bit just to help keep it [00:22:00] up there and just finding an easy way to do it. It’s possible, but I have seen the difference of paying attention to that and having even just a little something in the morning. I’m still bad with having my coffee first.
[00:22:15] I need an hour to wake up and then I have, have breakfast But at least we’re getting somewhere. We’re doing something right?
Embracing Holistic Health; A Positive Mindset Over Your Experiences
[00:22:21] Dee Davidson: That’s right. It’s progress not perfection. We’re always evolving and I tell people at first you just become aware like, oh you don’t shame or guilt yourself because that’s a whole other ballpark. We don’t want to go there, but you want to be aware and just say oh, yeah I need to get better at that.
[00:22:37] But you have compassion and love for yourself and you meet yourself where you’re at. And then little by little things change. I’ve been doing this for three decades, like this whole holistic health thing. And you know, even I saw a, a meme or whatever you wanna call it on Instagram that said, stop being mad at your body.
[00:22:57] Remember that you ate all those Oreos and Fruit [00:23:00] Roll-ups, and it’s a, it’s a miracle that you’re even alive. And I think about that, in my twenties, I used to eat like those lean pockets, disgusting. But I thought that was healthy. ’cause it was lean pocket, right?
[00:23:12] Yvonne Heimann: Uh huh .
[00:23:13] Dee Davidson: You know all that junk so it’s like, it’s, it’s progress not perfection. Not shaming not guilting but saying okay. I’ll just, one of my favorite sayings is begin again. Tomorrow, I’ll begin again and i’ll be a little more aware of that.
[00:23:26] So diet’s important and you brought up the seeds, which is a good thing for people to look up is seed cycling. Have you heard of seed cycling?
[00:23:35] Yvonne Heimann: I’ve heard about it. a friend of mine, her daughter is into seed cycling.
[00:23:40] Tell the audience what is it? Because I’m pretty sure you explained it better than I would.
[00:23:45] Dee Davidson: Yeah, no. So if, if they want to find it, if you’re on Facebook and you go to the, confidently healthy collective. I have a free community. I have a picture of exactly what seeds to eat at what times of the month, but there are certain seeds that can help with [00:24:00] progesterone, estrogen that we start to drop right before our period.
[00:24:04] So it’s just cycling where, you know, the first week of the cycle, you eat these seeds, then these, and so you’re doing a great job incorporating some of that. You might not intentionally know it, but it really supports hormone production. Those healthy fats again, that women just not a lot of women that I talked to are eating chia seeds or flax or hemp or things like that.
[00:24:26] And it can make a big difference in your cycle. So I’m sure even if you Google seed cycling, it’s not, you know, it’s all the same. So you can get a little picture and you just follow it. And then you start to know what to do for the different phases, but that the diet piece is huge for your hormones making sure you’re eating enough food.
Listening To Your Body And Providing It What It Needs
[00:24:43] Way too many women eating around a thousand to twelve hundred calories. That’s a child’s diet, by the way So you need to fuel your body properly and make sure you’re eating enough. You don’t have to track calories, but making sure okay, do I have the proper nutrition on my plate. [00:25:00] And also I’m a big fan of the hair mineral test, the htma test because a lot of women are deficient in a lot of minerals.
[00:25:10] They take a multivitamin, but they’re not getting minerals, which our body needs minerals, or you feel lethargic, you’re lacking, you don’t have, you’re not absorbing nutrition. A hair mineral test, it’s a couple hundred dollars, clip some hair, send it in, but you can see what you’re deficient in so that you can target and rebuild the body, especially once you get to midlife.
[00:25:31] Like we’ve gone through a lot of things that, that, that’s a, that could be a game changer for your, for your hormones and vital reserve, vital, raising vital reserve.
[00:25:41] Rest is the R in dress. So rest doesn’t just mean that you go to bed and you go to sleep. Rest means that you’re listening to your body.
[00:25:48] As we were saying before your period, are you tired? Okay. You need a nap, take a nap, give yourself permission to rest, go lay out on the grass, go to the beach. Do you know, you don’t have to push through that hard [00:26:00] workout. You don’t have to push through that big project. If you have too many people on your calendar, you don’t have to explain yourself when we say no to someone else for saying yes to ourselves, take them off your calendar.
[00:26:10] You don’t have to explain, you know, as long as you’re courteous and you give enough notice, but you have to rest and allow your body to not push through.
[00:26:17] Yvonne Heimann: And even if I’m like, just be honest, I had a situation yesterday where I had to reschedule a podcast recording. And I’m like, Set my, set my assistant on.
[00:26:27] And I’m like, Hey, let her please know it’s a short term change. And we all have lives. We all have things going on as long as you’re courtesy about it. It’s, it’s not a problem.
[00:26:39] Dee Davidson: It’s okay. Yeah, it’s okay. You got to listen to your body. The E is exercise. So again, I believe in joyful exercise. If you don’t like HIIT workouts and you’re like, Oh, HIIT workouts are the best for midlife, your body and your cells is listening every day.
[00:26:54] When you’re pushing yourself through that, it’s a negative thing. We want a positive exchange with ourselves, not [00:27:00] a negative exchange. So weight resistance, we know that’s the best for insulin. That’s the best for, you know, we need muscles to burn calories and burn fat and all that stuff, your metabolism.
[00:27:12] But you don’t have to go, you don’t have to do crossfit or, you know, just some moderate things. Start small, walking with weights even for some muscle mass. But yeah, you have to like what you do for exercise and you have to exercise, I’m sorry. I like exercise, but there’s some days and I’m like, Oh my God, I got to do this for the rest of my life.
[00:27:31] But yes, you do, right? You have to do it. It’s like brushing your teeth. Your teeth are going to fall out. You want to stay healthy.
[00:27:36] Yvonne Heimann: You know, you’re going to feel better afterwards.
[00:27:40] Dee Davidson: Yeah, right. Even 10 minutes after a 10 minute walk after you eat, just to bring your blood sugar levels down, start somewhere, start small, ladies and then stress, stress is a big one.
[00:27:52] So stress is not just a external financial relationship, all the BS that we come with. You [00:28:00] have to learn to manage those things. Also, they’re hidden stressors, so that’s where functional lab testing comes in. And I went back to school a few years ago because what I found was with the foundational things, I could move the needle a ton with about 70% of my clients.
[00:28:14] But then there was this 30% population. That it’s a real thing. When we talk about science, this is where science really comes in handy that you might have hidden stresses. You might have low stomach acid. So you’re not breaking down amino acids from your meat and absorbing it. Maybe you’re not your mineral deficiencies.
[00:28:31] You need a hair mineral test. Maybe you have a parasite or bad bacteria. And so I work with people, the first three months, on the foundational things. But if we see like things aren’t moving. It’s a real thing. Don’t blame yourself or beat yourself up. You might have a hidden stressor that you need to have functional labs done to rebalance the body and remove those stressors.
[00:28:53] I describe it as like having your phone tabs open. Yeah, you know, if you have a lot of tabs open, what happens [00:29:00] to your phone or your computer?
[00:29:01] Yvonne Heimann: It slows down.
[00:29:03] Dee Davidson: Yeah, that’s your body. And by midlife, you have a lot of tabs maybe open. And so those hidden stresses need to be evaluated, but don’t jump to that. Work on these foundational things, the diet, the rest, exercise, stress, and stress also needs to be reduced through things like meditation, just taking 10 deep breaths, checking in with yourself.
[00:29:22] You know, if you’ve had five calls for the day, you’ve been on two meetings. How do I feel right now? Okay, let me just take five breaths. People undermine that the power of breathing, right? Like the people that have the smartwatches that say you need to breathe. That’s like a real thing. Just resetting the nervous system.
[00:29:42] Somatic practices like bilateral eye movement, all those little things. They tell your body, I am safe. I’m okay. I’m aware that we’ve had a busy day. I’m aware that I’m here right now. And you have to do those things, not just when you’re feeling stressed, but just like brushing your teeth, you have to do [00:30:00] not all of them every day, but maybe put your legs up a wall.
[00:30:03] Maybe you, you know, you give yourself some little taps, some EFT taps, something every day to check in and tell your body, like, it’s okay. I’m helping you get out of fight or flight because if you’re constantly in fight or flight, that’s when cortisol starts. It’s crazy.
[00:30:20] Yvonne Heimann: That has been a journey of a year for me.
[00:30:24] You gave us, you gave us a lot of resources, a lot of things. And I know you also have a wellness toolkit for my audience. Guys, as always, all the links are in the description.
[00:30:37] Tell my audience, where can they find you and give them an idea of what they can find in that wellness toolkit.
[00:30:43] Dee Davidson: Yeah, so wellness toolkit is really great.
[00:30:45] We didn’t really talk about metabolic typing, but I did talk about the fact that we all have different metabolic needs, which means, you know, you might need more red meat. I might need more. I actually do need more fruits and vegetables. I could be vegetarian. So there’s a metabolic [00:31:00] typing test you can take there to find out what foods are best for you and your unique self.
[00:31:06] There is 10 tips to quickly lose fat because there’s a different, the difference between fat loss and weight loss. You can, you don’t want to be losing muscle as you said, or you know, just water weight so that you can get that free tracker. There was a bunch of just great things, healthy carb lists so that you can understand that carbs aren’t bad.
[00:31:26] These are the healthiest ones, lots of great free tools there. My podcast link is on there. So Confidently Balance Your Hormones is my podcast, that’s on there. Lots of great things there. Just go to confidentlyloveyourself.com. And then just go to the toolkit and you’ll find a bunch of freebies on there.
[00:31:44] Yvonne Heimann: And again, guys, as always, the link, the straight link is in the show description to. Dee, love this episode, so much information, so many things, so much. I now going to tap into and see [00:32:00] what I can continue evolve and make better in my journey. Thanks so much for joining me today. That was fun.
[00:32:09] Dee Davidson: Thank you for having me.
[00:32:10] I love that you get some takeaways yourself.
[00:32:13] Yvonne Heimann: Bye everybody.
00:00 | Introduction
09:33 | Simple Steps To Understand Your Hormones
16:37 | Consistency And Sustainability Are Key For Hormone Health
22:21 | Embracing Holistic Health; A Positive Mindset Over Your Experiences
24:43 | Listening To Your Body And Providing It What It Needs
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